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About Us

"One Stop Shopping"

Norwaco manages copyrights for TV, film and music content on behalf of more than 65,000 individual Norwegian and a large number of foreign licensees.

By providing clear and simple agreements on a common arena for licensees and users, Norwaco facilitates easy and secure clearance of rights and provides a fair distribution of remuneration. Norwaco is an important part of the value chain for culture and entertainment, and plays an important role in a sustainable media industry. The remuneration Norwaco distributes contributes to new creative productions and activities.

Norwaco has worked with rights since the 1980s and has taken part in the development of today's vast diversity of digital media and communication technologies.

Norwaco licenses use of audio and audiovisual content on the Norwegian territory on behalf of a substantial number of Norwegian and foreign authors, performing artists and producers.
Tel. +47 23 31 68 00 | | Storgata 5, 0155 Oslo | 961 085 993